Friday, February 9, 2007

Facial Hair February

So the guys at the front desk tell me it’s Facial Hair February. And what, pray tell, is this ‘facial hair February’? Well, they says, all the guys at the front desk are going to grow out beards. Oh. Well let’s give it try. We put up a sign saying Facial Hair Feb. brought to you buy the men of the Drackett Tower front desk. And we start growing our beards.

SHHHHHHHHH!!! Do you hear that!?! Listen real hard. That is the sound of my beard growing.

Now I’m getting kinda excited about this. I’m going to be rugged. Clint Eastwood is rugged, Bruce Willis is rugged. I’m going to be a real man’s man. So I go four days without shaving. I had some mixed reviews, some told me I was looking good, others told me it just kinda looked dirty. My faithful sidekick (read: roommate) told me to hang in there, once it gets a little longer I’ll like it better. So I hang in there. Then a few days ago I wake up at 1:30 in the morning and touched my face.

Nope that’s the end of that game. I immediately get up and go shave. Screw that. So I kinda sheepishly go down to work later that night, knowing I’m going to have to come up with a good reason for my silky smooth face. So I tell the guys:

“It’s not the size of the beard on the outside; it’s the size of the beard on the inside that counts.”

The End


katie said...

Sorry I missed it! I'm sure you were Chuck Norris rugged.

ktvaleska said...

You know what would be keen? A new Adam blog.