Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Day 7...

I have 6 more hours and counting. I am still bored out of my skull. I am still tired. I am ready to leave. The girl I’m working with is watching Elizabethtown, and I am preparing myself to watch Orlando Bloom kill himself in the most spectacular way. I have a feeling he’s going to hufflepuff his way out of it.

I have 5 days till Christmas and I have yet to get into the spirit of things. I’m not really a scrooge, I’m not a holiday hater, although it does bother me when people take it too seriously or put to much stock in it religiously. I just don’t feel the magic of the season. What happened? It used to be sparkling with magic, wonder and amazement. It was the one time of year where I actually thought that people were better just because of the proximity of a certain date. Some arbitrary day, and the entire month leading up to it, could change people. Not just one person, not just a group of people, but everyone on earth. Every human was a better person. Everyone became a little more friendly, a little more giving and a little more loving.

Now, Christmas is just a day. Albeit a day where people give each other presents, but a day nonetheless. I don’t know, maybe I just remember the way silly cartoons about yogis’ first Christmas or a balding 3rd grader and his beagle seemed to sum up the holiday spirit so perfectly, and that was what was important. And maybe I miss that. Maybe I want to recapture those moments in my life when I still believed a single day could make people nicer and treat one another better then on any other day of the year. Recapture the unwavering faith of childhood. Unfortunately, I think that I will probably never feel that way again.

Here is what I do think. I think that those who do decide to be good this month. To be a better person because of some random date. I think those people make the holiday worth celebrating. These people offset the bad seeds in the world. Those who never want to be friendly or be giving or caring. And the world, which I believe is usually an even keel, tips in favor of what is positive and right and good. For 11 months out of the year, I believe that for every act of evil, someone out there counterbalances it by doing something good, but in this final month, there is enough good will and enough people with a desire to be caring and giving, to make the world better. Everyone might not be a better person, but the world can maybe, just maybe, be a better place.

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